Cheap accommodation in Rudolstadt

The prices at Ferienhof Domaine Groschwitz vary according to the time of travel, the type of room or holiday flat and the length of your stay.

The best insight into which rooms or holiday flats are still available at your time of travel and what it costs is shown in our online booking. You don’t need a credit card, payment is only made at the holiday farm.

Good to know:

You will stay in cosy and modernly equipped rooms or holiday flats with self-catering options.
The price includes all incidental costs incl. bed linen and towels.

  • You will stay in cosy and modernly equipped rooms or holiday flats with self-catering options.
  • The price includes all incidental costs incl. bed linen and towels and final cleaning.
  • You have the option of ordering the delicious Thuringian country breakfast (per person € 15.00). This option is only not available during Easter and Christmas.
  • You are welcome to pre-order a filled fridge for your stay.
  • Pets are -for a fee- allowed in our accommodations.
  • All rooms are non-smoking.
  • In certain periods there is a minimum stay of 2 to 7 nights. We will inform you of this in our online booking.

Bookable additional services:

Thuringian country breakfast (daily, except eastern and christmas)15 euros per adult, children from 4 to 7 years pay 7 euros.
For the pet15 Euro per day and animal
Sauna session2 hours: 10 Euro per person
Bath pot15,00 Euro per Person
Fridge filling (breakfast for the first morning)15 Euro per person

Please also note the special offers and arrangements

Summer fun, 7 nights with breakfast, air show, riding excursion

week’s holiday at the Domäne Groschwitz holiday farm is the perfect combination of relaxation, ti…

Ferienhof Domaine Groschwitz von außen

Autumn week with adventure pool, flying bird show, fairy grottoes and more

Your holiday week at the Domäne Groschwitz holiday farm is the perfect combination of relaxation,…